Kate and Kai had a bit of an adventure. I took Leika out for doggy business, and thought I'd look over at the chickens...THAT WAS NOT A CHICKEN. I saw the super duo trotting past the chicken coop, and I ran into the house croaking about "YAKS! OUT!" with the small amount of voice I have recovered since yesterday. Daven slipped on some sandals, threw the other yaks some grain, refilled the bucket and bribed Kate to come back into the paddock. She was so good about it that we're kind of tempted to let her into that area on occasion so she can graze it down.
Giving birth really mellowed Ms. Kate. She was never terribly aggressive towards us, but she was just such an irritable pregnant lady that we were always on edge with her. Since Kai has come along, she's been fine with being bribed to let us mess with him (to a degree). She's turned into the sweetest girl now that the little spitfire is on the outside, rather than the inside. If he was anything internally that he is externally, he probably was tap dancing on her internal organs for months. That'd be enough to make anyone cranky. I also think that Kate likes being near the other yaks, but not having to fight for dominance with Snort. Kai, of course, gives not a darn about fences, and goes to visit the other yaks regularly. Millie seems to be his favourite; another imperial, of course!