Saturday, March 5, 2011

Non-Yak Bonus Post!

These are the latest additions to the farm. We already have a flock of laying hens, and these little ones hopefully are more girls to add to the egg count. The existing flock consists about half a dozen barred rock hens, 1 Rhode Island Red hen, 3 light Brahmas (2 roosters and a hen), 4 fluffy silkie roosters, 1 bottom of the pecking order golden rooster, 1 "mystery chicken" that is a bantam and 2 black star hens. We get anywhere from 0 to 9 eggs a day from our girls. The new bunch of 5 were sold as Ameruacanas, but after reading a 47 page thread about how breeders are horrible liars, I'm just going to call them Easter eggers, since they are supposed to lay colourful eggs, and I don't raise chickens for show purposes. A few already are showing the cheek tufts that they should develop. I'm hoping for cheek tufts and the beard, so I'll have bearded lady chickens. Yes, I'm strange.

As a side note, in reference to my previous post: I am bruised and sore. I don't recommend being picked up by a yak if you can avoid it. Ow.

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