Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to The Silly Yak Ranch!

Well, maybe more of a ranchette. We're a 10 acre property located in Northeastern CO, about 15 miles south of the Wyoming border.

We have a small herd of yaks, consisting of a black 11 year old bred cow who should be due around May (Kate Gray-Nose), her black trim son who was born in May of 2010 that is incredibly adorable and affectionate (Gruntulus Maximus, AKA Grunt), our up and coming 2 year old royal bull (Sir Snortimir, AKA Snort) and two little heifers. Maria was originally thought to be a black yak, but I recently observed that she has one pink hoof with a hint of white sock on it, and one tiny white bit on her forehead, so she is apparently a ninja trim! Speaking of ninjas, the last (and littlest), but not least is Millie, our imperial. She is a skittish little thing who has never acquired the taste for treats that the others have, and she has very impish horns. She spent the first couple of months that she lived here escaping at night and exploring the farm, but slipping back into her enclosure before we got up in the morning. Her ninja skills were betrayed by her yak'y habit of leaving spoor everywhere she went exploring.

Prompted by a friend, I recently made a Facebook profile for Grunt (instantly becoming one of Those People) so I could post daily yak photos for interested friends. Well, since not everyone in the world is on Facebook, I thought I'd replicate the photo posts over here, as well as have a few more verbose posts about life nestled near the foothills of the Rockies. So, that's the idea! Hopefully I'll be able to maintain the posts, even if they are just photos.

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